主讲人: 江涤,挪威卑尔根大学海洋生物研究中心发育生物学实验室主任
主持人:杜震宇 教授
开始时间:2014-11-6 13:30
主办单位:bevictor伟德官网 科技处
报告人简介:江涤博士是活跃于海洋生物发育生物学研究领域的知名学者。自其1999年从美国华盛顿大学获得博士学位以后,先后在NIH、加州大学圣巴巴拉分校从事博士后和Research Associate工作,自2006年起任挪威卑尔根大学海洋生物研究中心发育生物学实验室主任。江涤博士一直从事海鞘模式生物的发育生物学研究,至今已在Nature、Science、PNAS、Plos Bio、Development、Current Biol发表多篇高质量论文。
报告摘要:海鞘是由少量细胞组成的简单海洋生物,由此成为发育生物学的良好研究模型。本报告总结了江涤实验室多年来从肌动蛋白形成的角度对海鞘形态发育机制进行探讨的成果。Morphogenesis is a fundamental process in the development of multi-cullular organisms. A central component of morphogenetic mechanism is the cytoskeleton, which provides the biochemical and biophysical forces that shape the cells and embryo. We explore the role of cytoskeleton using the development of notochord in marine invertebrate chordate Ciona intestinalis as the experimental paradigm. A general presentation on the cell biology of Ciona notochord morphogenesis will be given in the beginning of the talk. Next I will present a novel mechanism of cell shape change: the co-option of a cytokinesis machinery to achieve cell elongation in the absence of cell division. Our latest work is revealing the cryptic and polarised properties of this highly dynamic equatorial actomyosin contractile machinery. Finally, I will present data on how myosin contraction and actin dynamics at a later time regulate the proper kinetics of lumen expansion, which is essential for the formation of a functional notochord tube.