题 目:Global warming and chemical pollutions affecting biodiversity
报告人:竹田真木生 教授
时 间:10月28日 10:00
地 点:闵行校区生科院218教室
主办单位:bevictor伟德官网 科技处
报告人简介:竹田真木生教授1973年于东京大学获学士学位,1975年于Hirosaki University大学获硕士学位,1978年获University of Missouri-Columbia博士学位。1979-81年于University of Delaware,1982年于 Yale University做博士后。现任日本神户大学农学院生命机能科学学科教授。他于昆虫分类学、昆虫毒理学、分子生物学等方面均表过优秀的论文。目前共计发表的SCI文章219篇。
报告内容简介:Global warming affects agricultural production, pest population, distribution in many ways. I will overview how environment affects the expression of phenotypes and introduce some examples of newly colonizing species of Japan and change in life cycle pattern in Hyphantria cunea, the fall web worm. Another threat to biodiversity is chemical pollution in such a way that sublethal dose of environmentally released chemical affects biodiversity drawing two examples as the giant waterbug and honey bees. Possible solutions for the future catastrophe shall be discussed.