
9月11日 Matthias Hahn: Fungicide resistance, genetic diversity and genomics of the grey mould fungus Botrytis

讲座题目: Fungicide resistance, genetic diversity and genomics of the grey mould fungus Botrytis(生命科学系列学术报告)
主讲人: Professor Matthias Hahn
主持人:许玲 教授
时间: 2014-09-11 13:30
主办单位:bevictor伟德官网 科技处
报告人简介:Matthias Hahn教授于1986年在瑞士苏黎世Federal Institute of Technology(ETH)获得博士学位,曾在在 ETH,Stanford University,Max Plack Institute (Köln)等大学和研究机构从事研究工作,2000年起在德国的Kaiserslautern University任植物病理学教授。Matthias Hahn教授的研究领域聚焦于解析植物病原真菌对寄主侵染的分子机理,为开发植物真菌性病害的控制措施提供理论基础。他研究的主要对象是植物灰霉病的病原Botrytis cinerea,这是一种广寄主的植物病原真菌,造成的经济危害巨大。他的研究主要解析了灰霉菌孢子萌发阶段的信号转导机制,并致力于从分子遗传学角度研究病原真菌多重耐药性(multiple fungicide resistance)的分子机理。近年来他的研究工作先后发表在植物病理学领域的主要刊物,包括PLoS Pathogen,PLoS Genetics,Molecular Plant Pathology,Molecular Microbiology,Phytopathology等。 Matthias Hahn教授此次来访,不仅要做以病原真菌多重耐药性的遗传突变机理为主题的学术报告,还将介绍德国的留学、教育、社会、文化等信息。
报告摘要:Grey mould rot caused by Botrytis cinerea is a major disease of many fruit and vegetable crops worldwide. Plant protection measures against Botrytis include fungicide, but the fungus can readily adapt by resistance mutations. In strawberry fields, which are heavily sprayed against Botrytis, increasing resistance frequencies against all specific botryticides were observed in the last years. Besides target site resistance, different degrees of multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotypes were found which are caused by mutations in a transcription factor controlling an ABC-type drug efflux transporter. Grey mould populations in strawberry fields are heterogeneous, consisting of different B. cinerea genotypes and smaller populations of a sister species of B. cinerea called B. pseudocinerea. While B. cinerea readily accumulate fungicide resistance mutations, B. pseudocinerea remains sensitive and is displaced by B. cinerea after fungicide treatments.
The existence of distinct B. cinerea subgroups, showing little genetic exchange between each other, was confirmed by population studies and multilocus sequencing. Surprisingly, one of the subgroups was found to be restricted to the monocot Iris pseudacorus, in contrast to the generally wide host range of B. cinerea. Genome sequencing of B. cinerea and the related species B. fabae, B. pseudocinerea and B. calthae revealed first insights in their genome structure and gene coding capacity. The strains and species differ in their content of secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters, including those for the phytotoxins botrydial and botcinic acid. Ongoing comparative genome and transcriptome analyses and mutant analyses will help to answer still unresolved questions regarding host specificity and virulence of the grey mould pathogen.