
5月9日 Dr. Chunming Ding: Epigenetics in disease and development

报告题目:Epigenetics in disease and development
报告人:Dr. Chunming Ding, Principal Investigator of Epigenomics and Molecular Biomarkers Lab, Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences.
主持人: 翁杰敏   教授
报告时间:5月9日 15:30

报告人简介:Dr. Chunming Ding, Principal Investigator of Epigenomics and Molecular Biomarkers Lab, Growth, Development and Metabolism Program, Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore. He received his B.Sc degree from Fudan University and his Ph.D. from Boston University. He has extensive experience in innovative research for creating valuable intellectual property, also in patent preparations with about 70 patent applications in many different countries as an inventor, he got 37 awarded patents and over 30 patents pending. His research interests includes NextGen sequencing data analysis, integrative epigenomics for gene regulation in development and diseases, and blood biomarkers for clinical diagnostics.

报告摘要:We are interested in early-life human health including fetal development and diseases, pregnancy-associated disorders and how early-life environment may have long-term impact on health. We study human clinical samples carefully phenotyped and prepared by our exceptional clinical collaborators, with a wide-variety of cutting-edge genomics and molecular technologies and bioinformatics tools – many of them developed in-house. Our research is both applied and basic. We aim to: 1) to develop clinically useful diagnostic tests or identify potential therapeutic targets through a deeper understanding of disease pathogenesis; 2) to gain novel knowledge in epigenetic regulation in development and disease pathogenesis.