报告人简介:严威博士,1988年获南京大学生物系学士;1999年获威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)生物分子化学博士;1999-2002年在华盛顿大学(University of Washington)微生物系做博士后;2002-2013年在美国系统生物学研究所(Institute for Systems Biology)随世界蛋白质组学和系统生物学领军人物Ruedi Aebersold和Leroy Hood从事蛋白质组的系统研究及其在生物医学转化应用,先后担任研究科学家(Research Scientist)和资深科学家(Senior Research Scientist);2013年加入上海交通大学系统生物医学研究院任研究员。兼任中国科学院上海高等研究院兼职研究员和Institute for Systems Biology的Affiliate scientist。研究方向综合兼顾蛋白质组学的技术研发及在生物医学上的应用。在技术上主要从事定量蛋白质组学,尤其侧重于靶向蛋白质组学的方法学研究,特别聚焦于研发定量精准并可高度重复的蛋白质组定量检测手段。另一个研究内容是运用新一代质谱手段解析细胞表面膜蛋白的糖基化修饰和蛋白间的相互作用。在生物医学转化应用上近年来主要从事在血液和组织样本中发现和验证与肿瘤、传染病、炎症反应等多种疾病特异性相关的蛋白质分子,研发可用于诊断和伴随性治疗的蛋白质生物分子标记物。
报告摘要:Proteomics systematically characterize cellular function at the protein level. It studies various protein properties in a biological system including expression, modification, interaction, localization, structure, and activity. Application of proteomics technology in clinical practice has been driven by the need of identifying and quantifying proteins at ever increasing sensitivity and in ever complex samples such as blood and tissue. However, clinical research requires proteomics technology that is not only sensitive and quantitative, but can reproducibly measure any set of proteins from a biological system in a complex mixture (e.g. blood, tissue) in a high throughput manner. Targeted proteomics analysis using mass spectrometry, the 2012 Method of the Year selected by Nature Methods, provides a complementary proteomics approach to the discovery capabilities of traditional shotgun proteomics by allowing reliable monitor of targeted proteins in complex mixtures. It is thus particularly useful in validating potential biomarkers in large scale of clinical samples. In this seminar, I will discuss several mass spectrometry-based targeted proteomics strategies as well as their possible applications in clinical biomarker development in order to improve disease diagnostics, prognostics, and therapy.