报告题目:Fat body remodeling and its hormonal regulation in Drosophila
报告时间:4月12日 11:00-12:00
报告人简介:李胜研究员,百人计划优秀,国家杰出青年,上海市优秀学术带头人。中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所昆虫发育遗传学实验室课题组长,中国科学院昆虫发育与进化生物学重点实验室副主任。长期从事昆虫发育遗传学研究,整合果蝇遗传发育和家蚕生理生化优势,在昆虫发育生物学研究领域的三项相辅相成的研究工作(JH和20E协同调控变态发育的分子机制;脂肪体重建的激素和营养调控;遗传改造家蚕丝腺提高蚕丝产量)中取得了一系列进展。共发表SCI论文50篇,其中,作为通讯作者在Autophagy, Cell Research, Development, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology和Journal of Proteome Research等国际知名期刊上发表论文24篇;作为第一作者在Annual Review of Entomology, Biochemical Journal和Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology等重要期刊上发表论文11篇。组织和承担了多项基金委重点和面上、973、863等国家项目和课题。多次应邀在重大国际会议(如2011年在荷兰举行的第6届国际分子昆虫科学大会上)做主题和大会报告,多次担任国际大会(如2011年的国际昆虫生理生化和分子生物学会议、2010和2013年的国际蜕皮激素会议、2014年的国际保幼激素会议)主席和组委员成员。
报告摘要:The Drosophila fat body is an organ analogous to vertebrate adipose tissue and liver and functions as a major organ for nutrient storage and energy metabolism. It undergoes a distinct remodeling process, including autophagy, apoptosis, and cell dissociation, during the larval-pupal transition, which is mainly regulated by the steroid hormone (20-hydroxyecdysone, 20E) and the sesquiterpenoid hormone (juvenile hormone, JH). We discovered: (1) The JH receptors MET and GCE mediate JH action to prevent 20E-induced apoptosis and cell dissociation. (2) A balancing crosstalk occurs between 20E-indcued autophagy and apoptosis and this crosstalk is predominantly transduced by E93, a 20E primary-response gene. (3) Two 20E-activated matrix metalloproteinases, MMP1 and MMP2, coordinately promote cell dissociation. We assume that the Drosophila fat body provides an exceptional in vivo model to study tissue remodeling and its hormonal regulation.