
10月29日 Karine Gauthier Vanacker:TRalpha protects against atherosclerosis: identification

题   目:TRalpha protects against atherosclerosis: identification of a novel anti-inflammatory inflammasome-dependent property for TRalpha in mice

报告人:Karine Gauthier Vanacker,法国CNRS教授

主持人:翁杰敏  教授

    间:1029 13:30-14:30(周二)

地   点:闵行校区bevictor伟德官网534报告厅


报告人简介Karine Gauthier Vanacker教授,博士学位, CNRS成员2000年获得里昂高师博士学位。她通过使用基因敲除小鼠的一些实验来研究甲状腺激素受体( TR )的功能。2001-2004,在达拉斯的UTSW医学中心的David Mangelsdorf实验室进行博士后学习,并担任霍华德休斯医学研究所的副研究员。期间一直使用核受体敲除小鼠模型进行研究。她致力于寻找新的PXR配体,并研究LXR在脂肪代谢和巨噬细胞功能的作用。2004年作为 Samarut实验室的终身研究员回到法国,在实验室中负责实验团队的指导工作。Vanacker教授主要研究THTR的脂质和糖代谢控制的外围组织在参与代谢性疾病发展中的作用。在2013年,获得了HDR 头衔。参与由Jacques Samarut实验室发起的旨在研究核受体的ANR项目 Vanacker教授在公认的国际期刊中发表了24篇学术文章。在过去三年,曾是NSFA的成员,ATVB的审稿人,并被邀请在很多国家和国际型会议中进行演讲。


报告内容简介:Hypothyroidism is associated with an increased occurrence of atherosclerosis suggesting some protective role for thyroid hormones usually attributed to cholesterol lowering by TR. Here TR was shown to also slow down the progression of the disease. Introduction of TR mutation in the ApoE-/- background accelerated the appearance of plaques. Earlier cholesterol accumulation was detected in aorta macrophages likely due to impaired cholesterol efflux. The IL-1b inflammatory cytokine was elevated in serum and macrophages in correlation with an activation of the AKT/NF-kB pathway in these cells. Inhibition of AKT or IL-1b signaling, and genetic invalidation of the inflammasome pathway, prevented inflammation and restored normal cholesterol efflux. The absence of TRa increased inflammasome activity, leading to IL-1b secretion, activation of IL-1R and to the downstream AKT/NF-kB pathway. Thus TR protects against atherosclerosis by limiting inflammation that in turn avoids cholesterol accumulation. This activity should be relevant for other inflammatory pathologies.