
10月9日 赖玉平:The antimicrobial protein REG3A in skin wounds

题  目:The antimicrobial protein REG3A in skin wounds

报告人:赖玉平 教授 Shanghai Key Laboratory of Regulatory Biology, School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University
主持人:王平 教授
时  间:10月9日 13:30-14:30(周三)
地  点:闵行校区bevictor伟德官网大楼534报告厅

赖玉平教授是bevictor伟德官网与美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)过敏与感染性疾病研究所(NIAID)联合培养博士,2006年获得bevictor伟德官网理学博士学位。之后在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院皮肤学系进行博士后研究。2010年回国,受聘为bevictor伟德官网教授。2012年获中组部青年英才计划和国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金, 2011年获教育部新世纪优秀人才计划、上海市青年科技启明星。


Epithelial keratinocyte proliferation is an essential element of wound repair and abnormal epithelial proliferation is an intrinsic element in the skin disorder psoriasis. The factors that trigger epithelial proliferation in these inflammatory processes are incompletely understood. Here we have shown that regenerating islet-derived protein 3- alpha (REG3A) is highly expressed in keratinocytes during psoriasis, wound repair and in imiquimod-induced psoriatic skin lesions. The expression of REG3A by keratinocytes is induced by interleukin-17A (IL-17A) via activation of keratinocyte-encoded IL-17A receptor (IL-17RA) and feeds back on keratinocytes to inhibit terminal differentiation and increase cell proliferation by binding to exostosin-like 3 (EXTL3) followed by activation of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K) and the kinase Akt. In addition to regulation of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation, REG3A suppresses TLR3-dependent inflammation via the induction of a negative regulator SHP-1 to dephosphorylate TLR3-induced JNK in diabetic skin wounds. These findings reveal that REG3A, a secreted intestinal antimicrobial protein, can promote skin keratinocyte proliferation and regulate wound inflammation. This observation suggests that REG3A may mediate the epidermal hyperproliferation observed in normal wound repair and in psoriasis, or regulate excessive inflammatory responses in diabetic skin wounds.