题 目:后基因组时代推断陆生植物的多样性进化
报告人:Prof. Harald Schneider
主持人:朱瑞良 教授
时 间:2011年5月25日 9:30 a.m.
地 点:理科大楼A510
Harald Schneider博士现为英国自然历史博物馆研究员(教授),植物部主任,曾在德国哥廷根大学,美国杜克大学,加州大学等单位工作,主要从事植物分子系统学,特别擅长孢子植物化石研究和分子信息的分析,已经在Nature,PNAS, Trends in Plant Sciences, Molecular Ecology, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 和Evolution 等学报上发表论文100多篇。
DNA sequences are now widely employed to reconstruct not only the phylogenetic relationships of extant organisms but also to infer the historical processes involved in the unfolding of the tree of life. These studies have dramatically improved our understanding of the evolution of plant diversity since the colonization of land. Two interesting aspects are emerging from these studies. On one hand, evidence was found that major global climate fluctuations and/or geological events result in coinciding increases or declines of the diversification rates of several branches of life. On the other hand, some lineages show strong lineage specific responses to the same events. The origin of these contrasting patterns will be discussed on selected examples such as evolution of liverworts compared with the evolution of other land plants. Lineage specific issues will be further highlighted by exploring the impact of key-innovations and key-opportunities on the diversity of selected lineages of land plants. Finally, I will give an outlook on the future directions of this research in particular the impact of multi-gene analyses, integration of fossil evidence, and powerful bioinformatics.