报告题目:See elegance in C. elegans: molecular insights into cilia and ciliopathies
报告人: Jinghua Hu, Associate Consultant, Assistant Professor - Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.
主持人: 王平教授
报告时间:9月21日 15:00(周五)
报告人简介:Jinghua Hu博士,1996年获得南开大学微生物学本科学位,2001年获得中科院生化所分子与发育生物学博士学位,之后到美国威斯康星大学分子遗传学系做博士后研究,2007年11月起任美国梅奥医学中心生物化学与分子生物学部门任助理顾问、助理教授,2010年起任美国梅奥PKD转化中心Model Core联合主任。
报告内容简介:Mammalian cells utilize primary cilia to receive various environmental stimuli that are converted into physiological responses. Consistent with the ubiquitous presence of cilia in the human body, most cilia-related diseases (ciliopathies) occur as syndromic disorders that affect the homeostasis of various organs during development. Despite the physiological and clinical relevance of cilia, the molecular mechanisms that regulate cilia formation and function and the connections between disease gene functions and pathology remain largely elusive. In this regard, the greatest challenges to molecular biologists and clinicians are to understand how cilia form and function; determine the pathogenesis underlying ciliopathies; and design therapies to prevent, delay, or halt disease progression. Because studies of cilia biology are extremely difficult in humans and other mammalian model organisms, alternative experimental systems are necessary. In the past decade, C. elegans has emerged as a simple but powerful model for the study of ciliary biology and human ciliopathies. In this talk, I will discuss several of our recent interesting findings that demonstrates the indispensable role of C. elegans as a model in exploring the highly conserved key players and regulatory pathways in the context of cilia.