
10月11日 Recent Research Advances in Plant Senescence

题   :Recent Research Advances in Plant Senescence
报告人:甘苏生 教授
主持人:许  玲   教授
地   :闵行校区图书馆报告厅
报告人简介:甘苏生教授,1982年毕业于bevictor伟德官网生物系,同年在本校攻读植物生理学专业,于1985年获得硕士学位,后获洛克菲勒博士奖学金资助赴美读博,1995年获美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校生物化学博士学位。1997~2002年曾在美国肯塔基大学从事教学和研究工作,2002年至今任教于康奈尔大学。甘教授是国际著名的植物衰老机制研究专家,主要研究领域为植物叶片黄化和衰老过程中的分子调节机制。他的研究在延缓植株过早衰老和农作物采后贮存时间等方面有着广泛的应用前景。近年来甘教授的研究取得了丰硕的成果,迄今已在Science、Nature Biotechnology, Plant Cell 等植物学领域的国际顶级杂志发表高质量的学术论文50余篇,并获得多项专利。他是《Senescence Processes in Plants》一书(年度植物学综述)的主编,并被加拿大科学院评为2011年度植物科学领域论文被引用率处于世界前1%的作者之一 。现任我校bevictor伟德官网紫江讲座教授。
报告内容简介:There exist two types of senescence in plants: mitotic senescence and post-mitotic senescence. The former involves cessation of cell division and is often called replicative senescence or replicative aging in literature concerning mammalian cell culture and yeast. The later refers to genetically controlled active degenerative processes in leaves, flowers and fruits. We have employed and developed various molecular genetics and genomics approaches to decipher the molecular regulatory mechanisms underlying these senescence processes in plants. Our focuses have been on genes encoding transcription factors and components of MAP kinase signal transduction pathways. The deciphering of a regulatory chain involving ABA, AtNAP transcription factor, SAG113 PP2C and a kinase in inhibiting stomatal closing during leaf and fruit senescence will be presented; a related model integrating physical crosstalk between ABA and ethylene will be discussed. Based on our molecular findings, we have devised ways to manipulate leaf  (and nodule) senescence in crops such as soybean for enhanced seed yield, biomass accumulation and soil sustainability.  In addition, a novel soma-genomics tool called TASSEL tagging system for identifying “green genes” that we have developed will also be presented.