
[校级学术报告] 11月2日 Smad-dependent BMP signaling through type IA receptor in cranial neural crest cel

报告题目:Smad-dependent BMP signaling through type IA receptor in cranial neural crest cells directs their cell fate towards chondrocytes to cause craniosynostosis
报 告 人:Yuji Mishina,美国密歇根大学副教授
主 持 人:王媛  教授
报告时间:11月2日 13:30(周五)
报告人简介:Yuji Mishina, 1986年获得日本东京大学分子生物学博士学位,1986至1992年间任日本Yokohama City大学Kihara生物学研究所研究助理,之后到美国德克萨斯M.D. Anderson癌症中心做博士后研究,1998年转到美国环境卫生研究院NIEH再生与发展毒理学实验室任分子发展生物学项目组组长,2008年至今任美国密歇根大学副教授,已在SCI杂志上发表100余篇学术论文。

报告内容简介:Dr. Mishina’s laboratory is interested in functions of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling during bone development/remodeling and craniofacial development. We recently developed several mouse lines to conditionally decrease or increase levels of BMP signaling using a Cre-loxP system. Using these systems, we have found that BMP signaling in osteoblasts is critical for maintenance of bone mass and biomechanical properties, BMP signaling in early embryos is critical for ciliogenesis that is essential to establish a left-right asymmetry, and BMP signaling in cardiac neural crest cells is important for valve functions during heart development. In this seminar, I would like to talk about our recent findings how BMP signaling is critically involved in skull morphogenesis through a tight regulation of its signaling activity.