
[校级学术报告] 12月5日 热带苔藓植物的生物多样性和生态

报告题目:热带苔藓植物的生物多样性和生态 (Biodiversity and ecology of tropical bryophytes)
报 告 人:S.R. Gradstein 教授,法国国家自然历史博物馆研究员
主 持 人:朱瑞良教授
报告时间:12月5日 10:00(周三)
报告人简介:S.R. Gradstein教授是世界著名的苔藓学家,先后在荷兰Utrecht大学、美国Cincinnati 大学、 美国Michigan大学、美国纽约植物园、德国哥廷根大学等单位从事教学和研究, 曾任世界苔藓学会主席,《Taxon》 主编,现为法国国家自然历史博物馆研究员,新热带区系委员副主席。他主要从事苔藓植物的分类、生态和多样性保护研究。
报告内容简介:The tropical regions are very rich in bryophytes and harbour more than half of all species of this planet. Many of them grow as epiphytes in the species-rich tropical rain forests and cloud forests.Due to the growing human pressures on the natural resources, these forests are now rapidly disappearing and their rich bryophyte diversity is becoming increasingly endangered. Land use change has been identified as a main driver of biodiversity loss in the Tropics. We have analysed bryophyte diversity along land use gradients in tropical America and Indonesia, cutting through natural forests, secondary forests, pastures and plantations. Changes in species richness from natural forest towards the modified habitats varied greatly but species turnover was more constant, with losses of forest species ranging from 30�C40% in secondary forests to 75% in fallows and cacao plantations. The results suggest that plantations are of only minor importance for bryophyte conservation. In contrast, remnant trees in pastures may be a rich habitat for bryophytes and of considerable importance for their conservation. Canopy closure, microclimate and host tree characteristics are the principal drivers of epiphytic bryophyte diversity in the tropics. Preservation of sufficient canopy cover in the modified habitats is crucial to the conservation of tropical rain forest biodiversity. Our results also indicate that recovery of bryophyte diversity in regenerating rain forests is a slow process and may take more than a hundred years.